Friday, July 22, 2011

Starting now

Vacation mode.

Work email turned off on my phone.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Two Movies

The Horde-

A french zombie movie. Was it great? no. Was it good fun? Yes. Worth watching if you like zombie movies.

Poolhall Junkies-
This has a crazy cast that keeps popping up in the movie.
It's a little disjointed, but worth watching.
Although it was written, directed and stars Mars Callahan. And I will always give any movie that a person has that much invested interest a chance.
triva about the movie.

Free Music

Go to Spin's Facebook page.

Like them.

Enter your email.

Get a free album of bands covering Nirvana's Nevermind album.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Quit Netflix

Just a bit  of promotion for the site again.

Head over and join the Facebook group.

Monday, July 18, 2011


Busy, busy, busy.

Friday was the full moon fiasco ride. Too many people. I had fun, but I do fear that the crowd is so large now that something truly bad is going to happen.

Saturday I swam all afternoon with family and some friends. Then went to Dinner of the Month with some other friends.

Sunday Jett and I swam, then several folks from my work came over. Then I met up with some old high school friends for food and drinks. Then took a midnight swim before heading to bed.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Quit Netflix Day

Netflix is separating unlimited DVDs by mail and unlimited streaming into two separate plans to better reflect the costs of each. Now our members have a choice: a streaming only plan, a DVD only plan, or both.

What does this mean to the loyal members?

That everyone's plan cost will go up.

I am fine that they want to add a charge for the streaming service. But to charge everyone full price for it on top of your dvd plan seems a bit much.

So I propose that August 31 is Quit Netflix Day.

Maybe if enough people join this group they might change the new cost structure.

[Head over here to join the group]

and head over to too.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


At first I was thinking that this was a newer version of Outbreak, that I've seen this story before. And I probably have, but this still looks really good. There were definitely scenes that make you realize how quickly things could fall apart.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


So they are raising their prices.

Not just a little.

A shitload.

Once they added streaming it was an awesome bonus to the dvd plan I had. It does let me watch things I would never even know existed. I would be fine for paying a little extra for this service.

But the price did not raise a little. My price pretty much doubled per month.

Do I drop the dvd part of the service? Even though there is plenty that is not available via streaming? Or do I just suck it up and keep my plan as is, and pay more.

Maybe if millions of people could organize and drop their service at once, it would send a huge message to Netflix, and they might change.

Or not.


I woke up this morning remembering a crazy dream I had.

I was at some school that Jett went to (but typical dream it wasn't his school).
All the kids were playing outside having a good time.

All of a sudden a Baboon was on the play ground.

The teachers didn't seem worried.

I was yelling at the kids to get away from it because they are mean and dangerous.

None of them were listening. This went on for quite awhile. Then there was also a cougar on the playground.

The baboon ended up attacking a kid (he wasn't hurt too bad).

Then I was inside arguing with the head of the school. He said that it was a program to help the children, and once they stepped outside the parents agreed to being around the wild animals. (he looked like a fat version of Colonel Sanders).

I took Jett out of the school, and also found out the reason none of the other kids listened to me was because they were all deaf.

Crazy stuff.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Judge Nothing

This was a local band long ago.

They were friends of mine who we played shows with and saw them play many many times.

They made some new music.

This is from here. Where you can get the new tracks:

So, here’s the story…

In the summer of 2010, Andy, Doug and Flea got together in DogBite Studios in Edwardsville, Illinois. Having not played together for 13 years, it took only a few jokes, a couple of beers and a song or two to warm up and they picked up exactly where they had left off. Then they hit the record button. Here is what came out:
1. I win (written in 1997)
2. Chattanooga (written in 1997)

Firetext Smoke Alarm

This is pretty cool.
It will send you a text if it goes off. Because the smoke alarm sound is fine when you are home, but what about when you are not?

I might actually looking into getting one.

[Buy one for your house here]

Friday, July 8, 2011

Another Swimsuit

That someone needs to buy and come over to my house to swim.


The other night Nancy and I watched a documentary on Hubert Selby jr., As you can read about here.

At times I felt pretty dumb when watching it, because I had no idea who he was. I knew of the book Last Exit To Brooklyn, but had never read it. And I will admit I had no idea that Requiem For A Dream was even a book.

So yesterday at lunch with some co-workers I was talking about the movie. The two guys I was talking to had no idea who Selby jr. was either. I was starting to not feel as dumb for my lack of knowledge.

I then asked my boss (who is a writer, and quite well read) if he knew who Selby jr. was.

He too had no idea.

I asked another writer at the office.

Also no idea.

I don't feel as dumb as I did.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Drunken interns

I Kinda Want This

I'm not a fan of baseball or Pete Rose. But this is pretty funny and cool.

[Buy Here]

Movie Review

Hubert Selby Jr. : It/ll Be Better Tomorrow-

Interesting documentary about an interesting guy.

He wrote Last Exit To Brooklyn and Requiem For A Dream, if you didn't know.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Animated Skateboard Graphics

Check this out. Very cool.

[See it here]


Nothing new going on.

Wake up. Work. Go home. Swim. Watch TV. Go to bed. Repeat.

Work is work.

I'm really already starting the mental countdown to a couple weeks of vacation that I will be taking.

Haven't even watched any movies lately. Just bad TV, like Tosh.0 and Pawn Stars.

uh. that really is it.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

An awesome Sunday

Sweet Tie

Like The Shining?

Remember the carpet?

Now you can wear that pattern around.

[Buy Here]

Buy me one while you are at it.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


It's 8:42pm and still 90 degrees.

I am heading back out to the pool.

The Plan For Today

It's supposed to be hot hot hot.

So Other than doing some weeding  around the yard, I plan to be out by the pool.

If you want to come swim, get a hold of me.

Friday Fun

So a group of us drove to Alton with our bikes.

Rode to Grafton and had lunch at The Loading Dock.

Rode back to the cars. Drove to my house to swim.

Then this happened:

It was a fun day.

Cowboy in my house

Friday, July 1, 2011

Dark Knight Rises Stuff

Seems like there is a love interest between Selina Kyle (Catwoman) and Bruce Wayne (Batman). Footage of the characters holding hands walking out of Wayne Manor.

[From Here]