Thursday, July 1, 2010

Shama-lama ding dong

M. Night Shamalyan started his career off so kick ass.
The Sixth Sense

I love all three of those movies.

But since then he not only has made a good movie he has made some of the worst movies ever filmed.

What happened?

Did he get a huge head and think he could do no wrong? Did he sell his soul for those first three hits?

I have no idea.

I had no interest in his newest movie The Last Airbender. And after reading Roger Ebert's review I have even less.


Kristin said...

Agreed - took me a few tries to warm up to Unbreakable. I think The Happening might have done better had he not cast such shiteous actors - Zooey and Marky Mark sucked the life out of the movie. It was like an energy vacuum. I liked the premise, and there were some cool scenes.

Ben said...

JoBlo said Airbender makes Twilight look good. Ouch.
