Friday, July 9, 2010

Sometimes I Hate St. Louis

When the city I love does idiotic things it makes me sad and mad.

Our lovely city can be so short sighted, ignoring the bigger picture.

What am I talking about?

This image is what has set me off:

If you can't read the sticker on the parking meter it says something along the lines of:
90 minute time limit. Enforced Mon-Sat 6AM-10PM

Where was this meter you ask?

Near the fox theater.

I had to use one tonight when we went to dinner at Triumph Cafe.
So I had to set a timer on my phone so I could get up in the middle of dinner to go put more money in the meter.

My other option was $9 to park in a lot.

While neither is a huge amount, it is just annoying.

Why? Because it is an added expense passed onto me while trying to support a local city business. So it might just make me or others think twice about where they might want to go to dinner or for entertainment. Because there are plenty of places that don't have this idiotic extra charge.

And what about someone going to a show at the fox? Their options are get up in the middle of the show or get a ticket.

St. Louis, you are being very very stupid.

I am ashamed of you.

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