Saturday, April 26, 2014


Started the day by mowing the grass for the first time.
Then picking weeds.
Brought all the pool furniture up from the basement.
Went an got my haircut.
Went to the hardware store and got weed killer and a new umbrella for the pool area.
Went to the pool store to get new filters. They did not have what I needed.
Went to Walgreens to pick up Jett's prescriptions.
Set up new umbrella.
Sprayed the weeds.
Listened to music.
Grilled fish.
Played monopoly. Got ass kicked by Jett.
Read more.
Music was still going.
Played 2048. beat it a second time. Now have to get to 4096.
Played Uno.
Now it's now.
TV and do nothing time.

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