Tuesday, April 22, 2008

This is bizarre

I got home last night and was going through the mail. It was mostly junk, one bill and a card to Nancy. The address on the card was hand written and it was from Tiffany's. But not just the company in general, but from a specific store in Florida. Since Nancy is out of town and this card seemed odd, I opened it.

It was a hand written thank you card for the purchase of a ring.

This purchase would be impossible, since we haven't been in Florida.

I thought to myself, OH SHIT. and went to check our bank balance online.

Nothing odd there. So then I called Nancy to have her check her credit card she carries and her work credit card.

Nothing odd with either one of those.

I then emailed the store in question since they were already closed for the day.

I called them this morning to see if I could get more info. They told me the purchase was made on April 15 and it was made on a brand of credit card that we don't even have. I then talked to the sales person. He thought he must have written down the wrong address. I asked him if their system could have accessed the entire Tiffany's data base and the wrong info was put in. He told me it doesn't do that and the name and address were what he enter that were given to him by the customer.I asked what the charge for the ring was, expecting to hear it was $12,000 or more, but it was just for $210. He told me he would look into this more and call me back.

I then called the credit card company in question and told them what was going on. They don't have a credit card under Nancy's name, and have nothing under our address.

I then did an online credit report.

Nothing out of place there either.

I have no idea what the fuck is going on. But it is some weird shit.

I guess I will now wait for a call back from the store or a credit card bill to show up at my house.

Unless Nancy has some sort of teleportation device and went to Florida without me knowing.

And Tiffany's is pretty nice if they hand write you a card for such a small purchase.

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