Thursday, July 10, 2008


Well I worked on the tandem yesterday. Needed to get it cleaned up and in good working order for the Tour De Donut on Saturday.

Got new tires and tubes, cleaned the surface rust and got it shiny and running well. Took it for a solo spin, then convinced Nancy to take a quick spin with me.

My friend came over later so we could take it for a ride to see how the hell we were gonna be able to do 30 miles on it Saturday. We rode to another friends house but he didn't even have the courtesy to be home.

People look at you strange when two odd dudes are riding a tandem through south city.

We were headed back to my house, 4 blocks away, when...
Slip, crunch, uh oh.

The chain came off. Tried to get it fixed. No go.

So we walked the last 4 blocks. Went to fix it at my house.

Rear axel is stripped.

Axels and my friend do not seem to get along.

Now we need to order a new wheelset for it. Looks like the tandem will not be in the race Saturday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How do they look at you? Like you are lovers.
