Monday, July 14, 2008

Yeah. This is awesome.

So what do you get when you close down one of St. Louis' coolest bars and reopen it but fill it full of douche?



houvenagle said...

Is that the fucking hi-pointe? What is wrong with STL...

Anonymous said...

I'm outraged

Matthew Frederick said...

ouch! people had described it to me, but the photos really hit home.

Anonymous said...

their website is awesome

Anonymous said...

Looks kinda cool to me!

thermos62000 said...

I can't believe that used to be the Hi-Pointe. And now, it's the Low-Pointe. That completely breaks my heart...

Anonymous said...

Douche-Pointe...seen it first hand.
A little piece of me has died inside, and I shall mourn its passing with a Jaeger...

Anonymous said...

I was there last weekend and it was packed. Lots of cool people. Someone knows what they are doing....

Jeff said...

I hope that you are kidding. If you were there, were you wearing your little black dress? Was the guy you were with wearing a shiny shirt?

Anonymous said...

That place is the bomb. It's clean, nice people, and great music (3 Doors Down...can I get a "hell yeah"?). I'm heading over to JCrew today and getting a new shirt for this weekend.

Anonymous said...

I went last night after the Tin Can. Better than I thought it would be. Give it a chance before you decide that it is Douche-Point.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with you more.

Anonymous said...

Yes Jeff. Sorry not everyone is as cool as you.

Anonymous said...

Somebody needs to take a midol.

Anonymous said...

I'm not understanding the hate of the place. It's not like it closed the Hi-Pointe (it closed on its own terms). Would you rather have another Quick Trip or Starbucks? At least its a locally owned establishment.

Gotta run...JCrew is having a sale.

Anonymous said...

You probably really do like 3 doors down. Are you on the payroll?

Anonymous said...

On the payroll? No, but your mama is on dez nutzz. one get one free. Gotta run.

Anonymous said...

Was I WRONG! Just went to Par to see it for myself. The place was very cool. Who cares about the Hi-Pointe now?? I love douche!!!

Jeff said...

dopple-ganger has been busy.

Anonymous said...

Near the end the Hi-Pointe was just rundown! You could not get a drink in a clean glass, it was smelly, and I don't even want to bring up the restrooms. Jeff, don't be such a hater! Time to move on....

Anonymous said...

Brooke does have a pointe, the new restrooms are centuries ahead of the old restrooms in cleanliness
