Thursday, February 12, 2009

Google Game

So this was another goofy thing going around on Facebook, but it is damn funny so I thought I'd post it here.

a. Go to Google
b. Type your name and the words "likes to" all in quotation marks... "Jeff likes to"
c. Report back on the first ten things that come up for your name.

Here is what my results were.

1. Jeff likes to bring us gifts to repay our hospitality.
2. Jeff likes to hunt things.
3. Jeff likes to spend time with his family and friends.
4. Jeff likes to get deathly ill about once a year.
5. Jeff likes to keep his network “large but lean”.
6. Jeff likes to say, "Tuned-In To Success is for everyone, we all run a business, the business of me and my household.
7. Jeff likes to cook.
8. Jeff likes to head below sea level for scuba diving with sharks.
9. Jeff likes to bike, run, and participate in the occasional marathon or triathlon.
10. Jeff likes to get out into the community to educate people about weather.

Do it yourself and post your results in the comment section.


houvenagle said...

Jake likes to listen to Jack Johnson.
Jake likes to characterize problems as “opportunities.”
Jake likes to talk handball strategy with fellow players and will yell at himself after missing an easy shot.
Jake likes to be the attention of all situations.
Jake likes to take baths in the sink and doesn't mind the occasional misting.
Jake likes to just have fun at everyone else's expense.
Jake likes to have the ball thrown to him on the dock.
Jake likes to play non conventional gigs.
Jake likes to take pictures and he tries really hard at it!
Jake likes to sleep on the couch during the day and sleeps on his doggie bed at night.

Jeff said...

I think all of these are really about you.

sarah said...

Sarah likes to Dink. [no, not drink. dink.]
Sarah likes to smell Colleen's armpits.
Sarah likes to walk in the woods.
Sarah likes to be in control and she appears to have some issues with attachment.
Sarah likes to share the wealth, too.
Sarah likes to ROCK.
Sarah likes to recruit new souls for the local Scientology chapter, knit and make things from stained glass.
Sarah likes to pet cute creatures, even if they are just pictures.
Sarah likes to claim 40000 people are being gunned down yearly.
Sarah likes to eat rhubarb crunch.
