Thursday, February 19, 2009

How To Do It

This video was sent to me by a good friend of mine. HE is a writer at an ad agency and says that this guy is his new creative inspiration.

I do love this guys do what he thinks is right attitude and only then will you succeed.

And I can completely agree that this thought should be taken by more agencies. There is far too much, take on any project and do whatever will make the agency money. Sure being picky and having a very specific point of view may make it very hard at first, but once you stick to that and have some success, if you are good at what you do more will follow.

This is not to say, that every design will be amazing cutting edge work. But to approach each project and do what is best for the clients problem, and to take a true stand as an expert. This is where the ad industry seems to lack.

Clients seem to push back far more when they hire an agency of professionals far more than when they deal with professionals in other aspects of their life. Whatever the reason, it never makes sense. Why pay for an agency to do exactly as you dictate. If that is what they were after they could've just hired a couple freelancers to crank out their vision.

My friend came up with a perfect analogy, that I will not do justice to. HE said that people go to a restaurant and don't feel the need to go tell the chef how to cook, even though they cook themselves at home and understand the use of the same basic tools a chef uses. They accept the fact that the chef does this for a living everyday, and knows how to do it better. It is why they are at the restaurant.

So while you may ask 'to hold the mayo" but you don't go further than that. So with your agency you can state your problem, and give the facts and advice that you want, but then sit back, relax and let the true professionals do their job. You will be happy you did.