Sunday, February 15, 2009


Pretty much every article in the finance section of the Post today was about doing your taxes.

It's been a long time since I've done my own taxes. We take them to a guy to have them done. It's far too hard to keep up on all the latest deductions allowed, credits and whatever hell other bullshit congress had changed that year. I had read that in the last couple of years congress had made 500 new tax laws. Our government dollars hard at work.

Why can't we just go to a flat tax?

Take what you need government and leave me alone. While I prefer a refund to owing (nothing makes me madder than owing more come tax time). But really I would rather not have to go through all the crap. The only reason I write off crap is because I can. If there was a flat tax that would be so much easier. Although I guess it would put many more people out of work. But at this point it almost seems like the IRS is around just to keep those people employed as well as support the tax preparation business.

One article I had read talked about how it is completely the individuals responsibility if there is a problem when filing their taxes even if they had them prepared. So even though you are paying a professional to take care of this complicated paperwork for you, you are still supposed to know all the rules. Sorry but if I knew all the BS I wouldn't need to hire someone in the first place.

If you needed your car fixed and the mechanic didn't do something right using this above logic you are just shit out of luck, because you should have known how to fix your car.

I hate tax time.

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