Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Things and Stuff

My new bike tires came Saturday. Maybe now I won't get a flat pretty much every other time I ride my bike. I bought a pair of Soma Everwear tires. I've read good things, lets hope they are true.

A person I know sent me a link to this agency website. They are called Red Tettemer. Their site is quite cool. I love that their sole policy is, No Shitheads. They also have their own brand of gin.

Elias and I watched Black Hawk Down the other night. I think it might be my favorite war movie. There is just something about that movie that has me on edge the entire time. For me it truly makes you feel what being in a war is like. And it's quite creepy and scary.

The painting starts today. Yeah!

I am working on a new identity for a friend of mine who lives in Switzerland. HE has an E-Strategies company. And so far it's worked out great, he loved the option that was also my favorite. That happens so little. Next up business card designs. Once it's all done it will be on my portfolio blog.


Unknown said...

How do you feel about Das Boot?

Jeff said...

That is on the list of movies I always meant to see but have not.

Social Anniemal said...

Hey there, thanks for the shout out. If you're ever in Philly, give us a shout. We'll have you over for some Tub;)

Jeff said...

Sounds like a plan.
Hopefully I can get back there sometime.
I used to be in philly all the time. I worked on the Comcast retail business when I was at Momentum.

Unknown said...

I like Das Boot a lot. When Walter gets his house up and running, maybe we could have a movie night and I'll rig up my dad's projector to show it on a wall.

Another war movie I like a lot is Stalag 17 - takes place in a WWII P.O.W. camp. It is equal parts humor, suspense, and heartbreak.

Jeff said...

I have seen Stalag 17. There are many war movies I like a lot. But for me BHD makes me feel what war would be like the most.

Unknown said...

I think you might like this book.
