Sunday, March 1, 2009


Last night after Jett was put to bed this is what Nancy and I heard on the monitor as we were watching a movie.

Note: he sleeps with a monkey puppet he has named Jebediah.

Jett- Jebediah, what is you favorite food?

Jett as Jebediah- EEE EEE EEE EE EE.

Jett- Peanut butter and jelly?

Jett as Jebediah- EEE EEE EEE EE EE.

Jett- You're a monkey. You like bananas.

Jett as Jebediah- EEE EEE EEE EE EE.

Jett- You don't like bananas?

We found it hilarious that his monkey puppet does not speak as a person would, but that Jett understands his monkey talk and translates.


DoeHands said...

YES!!!!! Jett rules at life!

Liz Sullivan said...

This story made Jef and I laugh like crazy!!
