Sunday, August 29, 2010

Album Sales Hit Record Lows. Again.

This article talks about record sales once again being at an all time low.

The record industry blames it on Illegal downloads.

Sure that might be part of it.

But I would say that the problem is they have not kept up with the changing times of how people buy music. They are still trying to operate in a business model that is no longer relevant.

When CDs first cam e out people were willing to pay the higher price for them. It was new technology that seemed very involved to create. But now I can go to the store and buy 100 blank CDs for $10 and it takes me just a couple of minutes to burn one on my home computer. Yes I understand all the other costs, packaging, marketing, etc. Except the bands I like don't have much if any marketing spent on them. So why is that CD price still just as much more often than not?

The article also talks about single track sales being much higher than the past. This would justify the idea I have had for years, raise the price of single tracks but lower to cost of a full digital album download.

Say each track cost $1.99, but a 10 track album could cost $6. How many people would then just buy the whole album rather than a few tracks?

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