Monday, August 23, 2010

Show Last Night

RUSH was awesome. But how could they not be? They're RUSH.
The music is good and they always seem to be having a great time. Even after playing 3 hours.
And getting to see Moving Pictures played in it's entirety was pretty cool.

From the RFT review:
During the first set, Geddy Lee quipped, "Well, this was the place with the pigeons, wasn't it?" As the crowd laughed, he said, "No matter if a pigeon shits on him" - and motioned to Lifeson - "we're not stopping!"

1. The Spirit of Radio
2. Time Stand Still
3. Presto
4. Stick It Out
5. Workin' Them Angels
6. Leave That Thing Alone
7. Faithless
8. BU2B (a.k.a. I Was Brought Up to Believe)
9. Freewill
10. Marathon
11. Subdivisions

Set Two:
12. Tom Sawyer
13. Red Barchetta
14. YYZ
15. Limelight
16. The Camera Eye
17. Witch Hunt
18. Vital Signs
19. Caravan
20. Drum Solo
21. Closer To The Heart
22. 2112: Part I (Overture)
23. 2112: Part II (The Temples of Syrinx)
24. Far Cry

25. LaVilla Strangiato
26. Working Man

[RFT review]

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