Monday, September 20, 2010

Busy Weekend

Went to Flaming Lips.
Got to have dinner with Steven. Got to check out the new tour bus. Had drinks with friends. Watched the show. Backstage, more bus, then some more drinks.

Picked up Jett from grandma.
Met a bunch of friends at the balloon race. Had a lot of fun. Experienced some complete assholes when trying to leave the event in a ton of traffic. Haven't been that close to wanting to get out of the car and beat someone in a very very long time.
Missed my friends 40th birthday party, because by the time I got home and had dinner I was beat. Watched a movie with Elias, but the power went out because of the huge storm and we didn't get to finish the movie.

Power was luckily back on since we had a couple over for brunch. Their kids and Jett played while the grown ups got to hang out. Good times were had. Jake came over for dinner and to watch the first episode of Boardwalk Empire. We dug it. I am hooked.

Thus far I had to take Jett to the dentist this morning. Dropped him of from school and walked directly into a meeting when I got to the office, then from that meeting to the next.

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