Thursday, September 23, 2010


Other drivers have really been pissing me off a lot more lately. Both instances were pretty much exactly the same. Traffic in a parking lot area where people would not let any cars into the line.

Listen up assholes. I know you think you are so self important that your fragile world might crumble if you suddenly were one car length further back in line. But you know what? It really won't make much of a true difference it takes you to get out of where you are. But by being a complete selfish asshole it will lengthen the time of all the people you won't let in. Multiple this issue by having many of these types of assholes in a line and you then end up with a gridlock situation.

Simple rule, if once you are in the main exit line, each car lets one car not yet in the line in, line moves swiftly.

Stop being an asshole.

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