Monday, September 27, 2010

Jett's New Game

Jett got his first real video game this weekend.

He had a plug and play classic game that he has been playing. I also downloaded the original Crash Bandicoot for him. But he now got Little Big Planet.

He loves it. And it involves lots of fine motor skill practice that he can use, as well as all sorts of logical thinking, that he enjoys. 

It is the perfect game for a 5 year old. There are no limits on your number of lives. If you get stuck you can start over very easily. There aren't real bad guys (At least not in the levels he's on). There are no time limits. He is free to explore and try as long as he needs in the game.

And the graphics are amazing.


DoeHands said...

I LOVE THIS GAME FOR SO MANY REASONS! Especially that when you play with 2 players you work together instead of against one another, and the only things you blow up are like couch cushions, and that you can collect stickers and decorate your box apartment and you get pointers from that dude that sounds like he's the same guy from the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy and you get points for learning the game, and you can play a level again as many times as you want to get better at it, and CAN I BABYSIT SO I CAN PLAY IT?!?!??!?! I want to make a cute little sackman in an HL outfit so bad!

DoeHands said...

the music is also not annoying and you can make your little sackman dance when you move the controller around!
