Friday, September 10, 2010

New Weapon

On the radio this morning I heard a story about some new weapon that they are using in some prison. It basically shoots energy at a person, causes non lethal pain. It was meant to be used in the case of prison riots or other problems.

Part of the story was about how some prisons mistreat prisoners.

Now I am never for mistreating anyone in any situation.

But to me the main issue that was failed to be addressed was if you don't break that law you won't end up in prison. If you are in prison and you don't cause any problems you have far less chance of being the victim of this weapon.


houvenagle said...

Pain Ray

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately there are a lot of people in prison that didn't break the law. a lot a lot.

Jeff said...

While there are innocent people in prison, it would then believable that those people aren't causing riots or other huge problems that they would ned to worry about having this weapon used on them.
