Saturday, October 23, 2010

Last Nights Ride

Guess what doesn't go together?

A steep narrow bike path.
A ton of people braking for no apparent reason.
A brakeless fixed Gear.
And Joe.

After hanging out in a parking lot near the Muny several hundred people were off to continue riding.
Heading down a path, it was making me a tad nervous. Lots of riders around, and no brakes. I back pedaled and skid to a stop.

Joe did not. He opted to crash, fly over his handlebars and almost lose his glasses.

We thought he had bent his fork.

But then realized he had bent his top tube and down tube of his frame.

No more riding was to be had for us.

We called Julie to please come pick him and his ruined bike up.

We then met up with them back at Jakes place. Had some more beer and called it a night.

It was a beautiful night for a ride. But we still had fun.  And luckily the damage was to Joe's bike and not to Joe.

1 comment:

houvenagle said...

you forgot the part where he ran into the back of a car on the way to the ride...
