Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Prediction

These will be one of the next things to make a comeback.

I say this now, because I want a pair. and they are nowhere to be found.

Mark my words. NExt fall season these will be at places like Urban Outfitters and such.


Trent said...

I agree 100%. I saw a pair of Nike hikers with red laces at the thrift store this morning and almost picked em up.

houvenagle said...

They are no where to be found because they're ugly as turds. I have no doubt they'll make a comeback, but it will last as long as the neon windbreaker comeback.

I shall point and laugh at you upon purchase.

Jeff said...

you're not talking bad about my sweet cyan members only jacket, are you?

David said...

Blast from the past indeed. I wore these for 3 yrs in Junior High.

houvenagle said...

Nope...cyan ain't no neon...talking about the 3-6 or so neon colored windbreakers.
