Friday, October 15, 2010

The Rich And The Poor

This is a huge generalization, but one I seem to encounter more from these two groups.

Both groups seem full of self important assholes who feel the world owes them something. This is most noticed when interacting with either of these groups while driving or in a public setting. Both groups equally feel the need to cut in front of people, feel they do not need to wait their turn. Both will have no qualms about stopping in the middle of the street, block traffic to have a lengthy conversation with a friend they see on the side of the street.

If you are at a restaurant, nice or fast food and there is a line that someone who just walks in the door decides to stroll right past, you can be assured they probably belong to one of these two groups.

Yes assholes come in every variety, and every rich or poor person is not a self important asshole. It's just that these two polar opposite groups seem to share this characteristic.

So have you encountered the same thing? Or am I just coming up with some crazy concept?


Anonymous said...

"Both groups seem full of self important assholes who feel the world owes them something."

I have said that about Republicans and people that are proudly on welfare. They share the common bond of thinking the world owes them something. The best is when a republican justifies why they accepted unemployment. Just yesterday an old friend told me how he got $3000 back for medications after he was accepted in some public assistance program. Keep in mind, this is a guy who can afford it and is always slamming public assistance and how he's monetarily prepared.

Anonymous said...

anonymous should first figure out where un-employment comes from. second just because your a republican does not mean you are wealthy.

Anonymous said...

Tax payers. Some of the same people that bitch about paying into it, yet reap it when they need it. No some republicans are poor and just plain ignorant. Or, are Pro Life. I like to call them Mexicans. You know they LOVE their vote!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I momentarily forgot my employer also pays into it. I'm drunk and I just hate people!
