Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Part of me wants to go to Off Broadway to see Japandroids play tonight. While the other part wants to hang out at home and do next to nothing.

Decisions, decisions.

If I go out it will cost me money and I will most likely be tired tomorrow.

If I stay home I can build a fire in the fire pit, and watch TV or a movie.

Leaving the house really requires an awesome reason to do so once you get older.


Erik (Josh's Mustache) said...

quit being a pussy and go to the show


I sympathize wholeheartedly...exept I probably wouldn't have even considered going out. Just sayin.'

Anonymous said...

I would like to read a bit more soon. By the way, rather good design you have at this blog, but how about changing it from time to time?

houvenagle said...

^ What the fuck does that even mean? Anonymous are you a spambot or confused?
