Monday, October 4, 2010


The plan was to ride the scooter today.

But when  saw the temperature was 34 out, there was no way in hell. I am not ready to have to bundle jett into his winter coat for the ride. Nor was I looking forward to be cold as hell when I arrived to work. Tomorrow might also be too cold, but later in the week looks great.

I had to turn the heat on in the house this morning. I could've made it through but saw no reason to make Jett freeze while getting dressed and eating breakfast.

On a completely different subject, I am 109 songs from 29000 in my itunes now. While I am still sad I have become a bit of a music collector, I am getting far better at listening to all the new stuff I get as I get it.

1 comment:

psychopooch said...

What happened to fall?
