Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Movie Review

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus-

At the start I really dug it. It looked good, it was interesting, and the female lead is smoking hot.
But as the movie went on I started to lose interest. I fought the desire to check my email on my phone, Elias got up and went to get a snack and didn't really worry about hurrying back.

It just kind of lagged.

It still looked good, but I was never pulled in enough to care about the characters to want to pay attention or care what was happening with them. So the style of the film only could hold my attention for so long.

And Even with the cool look of the film I think I prefer when Gilliam used real sets and practical effects rather than CGI. His inventiveness is what makes his films great. So CGI almost seems cheap and lame.

1 comment:

psychopooch said...

Diggin' the gratuitous hot photo of Lily Cole tho. But yea, the movie dragged for me too. A bit disappointed.
