Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hate Small Talk

I like hanging out with people and it would seem that many people like hanging out with me.


I hate small talk.

I thinks it's because I have always felt like a bit of an outsider, so it's hard to have those simple small conversations that most people may not like but can easily take part in.

There are many people far more odd than I and anti-social as well, but where most people had a closer to normal high school experience and then went on to college and listened to music that could be heard on the radio gives them that simple weak connection that makes frivolous conversation easier.

And don't get me wrong I am not trying to say anything negative about others. I am just calling out a simple fact that I know about me.

And once I get to know someone and know that we can truly talk about stuff then I can ramble on and on and on. But get me at a dinner party with mostly people that I don't know and it's not pretty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate it too. Grownups small talk, and I've just never been a very good grownup. Bah.
