Thursday, September 4, 2008

Attacks, praise stretch truth at GOP convention

I would love to see a lot more articles like this one.

It takes statements made in speeches at the RNC and shows where there were lies or exaggerations. I would like to see become the job of an indifferent 3rd party group. Make it easily accessible to all people. That way we can quickly start to tally up the lies all the politicians are telling as they try to drum up votes.

All politicians are liars. Lets show everyone when it occurs.

This video was left on the comments section, and it's just too good and too poignant for this post not to put it up.


SukiSu said...

Second that!
Gee, imagine being accountable for what you tell the American public... What a concept!

HeadhunterBob said...

Here's another example that I thought was worth sharing . . .

Too many politicians just seem too willing to say whatever it takes to get elected.
