Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Few Things

Happy Birthday to Jake.

And tonight is a full moon. So that means there is a full a moon fiasco. So gather at Turtle Park at 10PM. Ride leaves at 11PM.

But I will be wussing out tonight and not riding. Firstly because I will be busy at work tomorrow. Secondly  there is prediction of snow starting at 7PM and going all night. And while part of me really wants to go right in the snow in the middle of the night, the responsible adult part of me says I should not do that.

Also, Saturday a group of us will be celebrating the above birthday with 29 hours of fun and drinking. It kicks off at 9AM with breakfast. So if you want to come along, get a hold of me and I can fill you in on the plans.

1 comment:

houvenagle said...

thanks good sir. yeah, don't think I'll brave the cold tonight either.
