Thursday, January 20, 2011


We got an assload in St. Louis overnight last night.

I woke up to at least 8 inches in our part of town.

So my morning started off with shoveling the driveway. So much fun.
Our streets had been plowed but still had at least an inch or two on them.

After leaving the house I realized I forgot my phone. I tried to turn around and head back home to get it, but the main hill in our neighborhood and my car did not get along at all. There was no way I could make it up it. I hope it's plowed when I head home.

So I headed to work, sans phone. The main roads in my area weren't great but they were passable.

So I figured hopping on the highway would be a good move.

I was wrong.

Highway 40 sucks a bag of dicks.

Average speed was 5mph.

I hope the trip home is better.