Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Movie Review

Bones Brigade: An Autobiography-

LAst night I did not watch any election coverage. I felt no desire to see all the news conglomerates ramble on and on and on. Why not just wait till the morning when the votes are actually in.

What I did watch was the Bones Brigade documentary. It was made by Stacy Peralta (same director as Dogtown and Z-Boys). Once again my opinion is quite biased, since it's telling a story that was a big part of my life as a teenager. I knew many of the stories, but to hear them told by the skaters was very cool. To get their thoughts and the behind the scenes look at those guys was very cool.

If you skated in the 80's this is pretty much required viewing. But I would recommend to pretty much anyone who has ever watched the X games, so you can see where all that basically came from.

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